Best online shopping for work clothes
Best online shopping for work clothes
Hello to you all and welcome once again to another short narrative made possible by our hosts, who recently voted America’s favorite place to shop online.
If there is a high-quality bargain, then you can rest assured that BargainBrute has it and all ready to be delivered from one of their 97 warehouses, all strategically positioned around the American mainland, directly to your front door, sometimes the same day of the order or next day following your order.
Where would we be without a set of work clothing, clothing which will last and see us through a hard day’s manual labor and last?
Today we look at the history of our work clothes, the backbone of our industry, and our workers’ protectors, who are the nation’s actual builders. Without them, all of our structures and distribution services would crumble to dust.
Yes, our nations have always relied on our workers and will forever. Yes, we have always relied on our workers even in times of war. Then as war clouds gather, these same workers think of nothing and leave their overalls and other working attire and change into another uniform, the uniform of a nation, a nation at war.
Yes, these same workers go overseas and fight for their country, and many never return to pick up those work clothes they left behind before leaving to fight in a war which many did not know why they were at war in the first place. Yes, please remember our veterans. Without who, we would have no industry to build upon.
OK, guys, that is my speech out of the way, so let’s get on with our subject, which is, of course, “Best online shopping for work clothes.”
The work clothes industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. Latest estimates say that this industry alone is worth a minimum of $1 billion US a year and is growing by a staggering 8% per year.
Yes, big bucks are to be earned in the work clothes industry, and as such, there are thousands of companies all vying for a piece of the action, and who can blame them. Even with automation, we will always need men and women to complete the work robots will never be able to do.
Authors note: This is a message for all. Be careful when an employer gives you an innovative new uniform or pair of overalls, always check that on all pieces of clothing that somewhere they have placed a company’s logo, primarily if you work within the United Kingdom, as the taxman has in the past, and as far as I am aware still is doing, charging a person extra tax if an employer has provided clothing to him or her.
Sounds outrageous, does it not, but they do. They call it “Payment in Kind.” However, if you have been provided with clothing by your employer with logos on them, then you may be entitled to a tax rebate to offset the upkeep of your dress. (washing etc.)
So where can I go to find work clothes for my employees?
B & G Trading Apparel Liquidators based in San Diego, California, United States offer the most famous work clothes brands; however, they specialize in closeout sales and liquidations, so I have no idea what quality you may be getting. The rate may be both good and bad, but they do seem to stock most everything., our hosts, you can find most items you will require for your workforce, and they will deliver free of charge most orders arriving the day after ordering. I have to say this company will only sell products that are of the highest quality, which is perhaps why they were voted America’s favorite place to shop online.
Pop over give them a try. I know you will not regret it, and once a BargainBrute buyer, you will always be a BarginBrute buyer, a top-notch company.
Beverly Hills Uniforms, based in the Bronx, New York are what they are and with an apt name like they have done very well. They carry Scrub Sets, Clogs, Lab Coats & Medical Supplies, and since the COVID pandemic, Facemasks. I have not personally dealt with this company, so I cannot offer any further information. However, they do seem to carry a very varied stock.
OK, guys, I will stop offering any further possibilities where you can purchase work clothes. However, I hope that the above will give you an idea of where to go. My personal preference, however, out of the three, would be BargainBrute, mainly because of their simplistic ordering procedure and, of course, the high quality of their products.
Now back to our story.
Yes, we owe a great deal to our manual laborers. I include with them our postmen, the UPS men and women drivers, the FedX men and women drivers, as without them, we would never receive the goods we had ordered online, as our roads would have crumbled, no delivery truck would be able to pass. Because of that, the financial markets would crash, once again sending us back to the dark days of the Great Depression, which would cause governments to fall, and our great nation would descend into anarchy.
Well, folks, our short narrative is at an end. My apologies if I may have sounded a tad prothetic, but I thought it had to be said.
So on behalf of the Vandergraph family and team and every employee at, we thank you for shopping with us today.