Does CBD Reduce Blood Pressure and Inflammation
Does CBD Reduce Blood Pressure and Inflammation?
Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is an interesting phytochemical that has recently gained attention as a potential treatment for human diseases like schizophrenia and depression. Cannabidiol, derived from the cannabis plant, has three significant physiological actions. It is an inhibitor of the synapticmitter protein receptor, GABA (books), and glutamate. It can also bind to and compete with the antioxidant superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the cellular pathways, thereby reducing the risk of cellular oxidative stress. Furthermore, cannabidiol has significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Cannabidiol is derived from the cannabis plant, THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol. It is currently one of the eleven identified natural compounds, with four others believed to be contained in the plants. It is among the many psychotropic herbs used for treating Alzheimer’s disease, depression, anxiety, epilepsy, nausea and vomiting, arthritis, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and sleep disorders. Cannabidiol has been found helpful in treating several side effects of cancer therapy and muscle spasms caused by seizures.
In recent years, there has been a great deal of interest in cannabidiol and CBD for weight loss and potential treatment for certain mental disorders. There has been some remarkable success achieved with CBD in clinical trials involving people with attention deficit disorder and obesity. While much is still needed to be learned about the health effects of CBD and its effectiveness in treating these conditions, it appears that CBD may have some limited impact on the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and possibly other psychiatric disorders.
There have been very few published human studies on the subject. One study found that CBD significantly reduced abnormal brain cell growth progression in response to an inflammatory stressor. This study was performed on patients that had undergone surgical brain damage. The CBD treatment resulted in a significant reduction in the spread of brain cells. Another study on CBD and hypertension showed a drop in people’s blood pressure who took CBD. The decrease in blood pressure may account for the reduced level of cholesterol in the body of people who regularly use CBD oil.
In animal studies, CBD has shown some ability to relieve symptoms of multiple sclerosis. People with multiple sclerosis report higher comfort levels when they ingest CBD daily. In a recent human study, CBD significantly decreased the pain response in people with chronic pain.
People with multiple sclerosis and other types of anxiety report increased comfort levels when they consume CBD daily. These reports are consistent with the results of earlier studies. One clinical trial comparing CBD and the psychoactive drug, Sertraline, showed that people with multiple sclerosis who were given Sertraline also reported lower anxiety levels than those who received a placebo. This conclusion was based on a placebo-controlled, double-blind trial in which the patients taking Sertraline also received a supplement containing CBD. Other researchers have subsequently concluded that CBD reduces the symptoms of anxiety and insomnia in people who take Sertraline.
There have been very few reported with CBD consumption as far as side effects go. The most likely side effect of CBD is a “faint” or “weak” stomach. Sometimes the “pins and needles” sensation may also occur. In a few cases, CBD can cause some irritation in the digestive system. However, most people with a history of ulcers and stomach issues state that these problems are not caused by CBD but are symptoms of another underlying cause. Also, in sporadic cases, CBD has been known to cause severe skin irritation and damage to the liver or pancreas.
The benefits of CBD seem to be quite profound. It appears to be a natural solution to many health problems. For example, it appears to reduce pain and improve mood and appetite. It also seems to be effective in reducing the occurrence of both Type II and Type III diabetes. Future research may help reduce blood pressure levels and inflammation seen in most human cardiovascular disease patients.