Good News day at BargainBrute

Good News day at BargainBrute

Today we celebrate “Good News Day” at BargainBrute.Com, voted America’s best place to shop online.  Yes, for once, we have searched the internet for three of the best #Goodnewsday stories to brighten up your day.

First up, a group of youngsters set up a lemonade stand to raise money for the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.”

Our story started nearly five years ago when a newborn baby named Bea Wiedner was seriously ill with a rare, life-threatening pediatric liver disease called biliary atresia. She would have died if it was not for her mother, who gladly donated part of her liver in an operation carried out at the “Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.”

Today, thanks to her mom and surgeons, little Bea is a healthy five years old doing what all five-year-old children do best “Play.” Even at this young age, she thought of her past and decided to thank the kind people at the hospital, which she did, by setting up a lemonade stand outside her home.

It did not take long to sell $148 worth of her homemade.  So happy was she and her mother that they decided to post a thank you note on Instagram, which, much to their surprise, went viral, turning the original amount of $148 into a magnificent total of nearly $25,000, all of which was automatically deposited into Bea’s mothers Venmo account, ready to be given to the hospital.

Who says there is no good news out there, so why not keep the good deed going by donating; further to little Bea’s cause, you can do so at  Weidner’s Venmo at @hillary-weidner.

Credits for the outline of this story go to MSN.Com you can read the full story by following the MSN link provided above.

Texas teenager shares her homecoming queen title with a fellow student, Emily Petty, who has Down syndrome.

Compassion, love, and friendship are alive and no more so than at the  S&S High School in Texas.  It was homecoming time at the S&S High School, and students were beginning the voting process that would end with the crowning of one of its pupils as the “Home Coming Queen.” All eyes were on Trinity Arrington, an odds-on favorite to win the coveted crown, but what was to happen on the allotted crowning day would both surprise and bring tears of humble graciousness to all who were about to attend the ceremony.

The day arrived, and the whole school gathered on the school grounds and awaited with bated breath to hear the result, and as expected, Trinity Arrington’s name was announced to much fanfare and cheering. Looking surprised, Trinity began the long walk across the playing fields to collect her crown. Then as she stood behind the podium, she amazed everyone by announcing that she wanted to give the “Homecoming Queen Crown” to her friend and classmate, Emily Petty, who happened to suffer from “Down syndrome.”  Later she told classmates and reporters that,  “I decided to give my crown to my sweet friend Emily because she’s always wanted to be a princess. So I decided she deserved it”.

Once the award ceremony was over, a video shows the two girls walking hand in hand with the gleaming crown firmly on top of Petty’s head.

So lovely to see that once again, our young are teaching us, adults, the actual value of friendship

Once again, credits for this story’s outline go to MSN.Com you can read the full story by following the MSN link provided above.

Classmates hold a toy drive for a Tennessee boy who lost all in a house fire.

Thanks to a secret toy drive carried out by 3rd graders and their teacher in the small community town of  Philadelphia, situated close to Knoxville, Tennessee, young Daniel Hunt, who had just escaped with his life following a house fire at his home, got the surprise of his life when he arrived at school last Friday.

Arriving in his classroom, there stacked before him was a large pile of toys his class had collected to replace, all of which he had lost in the house fire the previous week. Among the toys were board games, Lego sets, star-wars, Mr. Potato head, and so much more that I do not have the place to add them here.

The young man, I think, was so taken back that at the time, all he could say was that he was both “surprised and thankful.”

Yet again, the young are teaching us, adults, the true meaning of friendship and values.

Credits for the outline of this story go to both MSN.Com, and the New York Daily News. You can read the full story by following the MSN link provided above.

Well, that’s our #Goodnewsday celebration completed for the day, and I have to say just how nice it was to report the good side of the news for once. It makes such a refreshing change, so it would be remiss of me not to thank BargainBrute.Com for giving me the platform to do this on. Who knows, #Goodnewsday hopefully will become a regular feature on America’s favorite place to shop online, BargainBrute.Com.

To end, I will leave you with a tiny bit of advice my dear old Dad gave me, the direction I have attempted to remember every day of my life. “If you have managed to smile just once today, then you have had a good day.” It does not sound like much, but I can tell you, on the days when I had forgotten the advice, my days seemed very humdrum, so maybe yes, he was right, and yes, today has been a good day because I have been lifted by the actions of our young people as described above.

Well, that’s it, folks, and I hope to see you on the inside of BargainBrute.Com, hopefully, every day as we continue on our journey to find other examples of “Good News,” which we can include in our next #Goodnewsday narrative.

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