How to Get the Health Benefits of CBD Oil without Getting Arrested
How to Get the Health Benefits of CBD Oil without Getting Arrested
What exactly is CBD oil? CBD comes from the cannabis Sativa plant, used for generations to produce marijuana and hemp. It comes extracted from the leaves and stems of cannabis plants and is typically heavily diluted with another oil, such as MCT. Methylated hydroxyanisole (THMs) are the chemical contaminants in cannabis that have been linked to the development of certain types of cancers. Research indicates that CBD may help treat some cancer forms, although further studies are needed to determine if it is effective against cancerous cells.
People had known about CBD oil’s health benefits since at least 2021, when the first study reports about the substance were published. The first research noted that CBD might reduce seizures in children. More recent studies have suggested that the substance may reduce anxiety and improve moods among certain patients with schizophrenia and other mental disorders.
It’s essential to understand why CBD oil benefits occur because many people believe it works by altering how the brain works. Neurons control the way the human body feels in the brain. When a person uses marijuana or has a dab of cannabis, the drug alters how the brain communicates with the body’s different parts. The messages sent and received are incorrect, resulting in feelings of anxiety or disorientation. Using CBD, the message sent and received is correct, thus allowing the body to function normally.
One of the main reasons researchers are studying CBD is that it has proven to relieve nausea symptoms, which are often caused by chemotherapy or treatment for cancer. People who use CBD also report feeling less pain and can sleep better. Although this is the main reason CBD is being studied, the health benefits are varied. Some experts believe the substance helps treat some forms of depression, but not others, such as schizophrenia. Others believe the oil can help people suffering from muscle spasms, chronic pain, and muscle spasticity.
The study published last year in the journal Psychological Medicine reported that CBD helped reduce nausea and anxiety when administered during a study conducted on mice. The scientists found that the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD reduced the inflammation of the mice’s intestines, which likely explains why the mice were able to endure the test’s nausea-inducing procedure for more extended periods. Further testing is needed to determine whether CBD has the same anti-inflammatory properties in humans. If the study’s findings last year are replicated, CBD could become an exciting new addition to treating various forms of chronic pain. Even if CBD only provides short-term relief for muscle spasms or other symptoms, more research could pave the way.
Another study published in Clinical Neuropharmacology found that the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD may work in concert with its other healing properties to treat anxiety and pain. Test subjects administered CBD oil smoked a marijuana cigarette containing Delta-9-tetracene, a compound found in marijuana. When the experiment began, those who were helped with CBD reported less pain than those who took a placebo. Though the experiment tested only three subjects, the results indicate that CBD can reduce severe anxiety and even pain. This is just another example of how the body’s natural defenses may be compromised due to abuse of pharmaceuticals and other substances, leading to an increased need for dietary supplements to counteract the negative consequences.
Perhaps, the most significant proof that CBD is as helpful as it is claimed to be from the extensive literature on CBD and medical conditions. Several peer-reviewed studies have reported that CBD can effectively fight medical conditions such as autism, epilepsy, chronic pain, depression, and nausea. It has also shown promise in reducing Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis symptoms, two extremely debilitating medical conditions that affect the colon and digestive system. In a study published by Autism Genome Research Foundation, CBD significantly improved the behavioral and emotional signs in autistic children. Coupled with the lack of toxicity and long-term health risks, these results make CBD one of the most promising medicinal herbs today.
While CBD is not considered marijuana, it is a hemp extract. Like THC, CBD does not get people high but is believed to act as an antioxidant by reducing the harmful oxidative damage during the combustion of fat and oil. If you consider using CBD oil or CBD capsules for your medical or other purposes, remember to consult your physician first. Though there are several buoyant CBD and cannabis reviews online, there is still no formal FDA approval for CBD and cannabis products, so you’ll want to be sure you’re using the product described.