How to School Your Child at Home
How to School Your Child at Home
Today we are going to take a look at How To School, Your Child at Home.
In this How-To article, you will see how you can set the structure to teach your children at home. However, before you enter into this, you should be aware that teaching your children at home is not just a matter of setting up a blackboard in your kitchen, buying books, sitting your children down, then starting your first lesson. It is much more complicated than you could ever envision.
Yes, teaching your children at home is more complicated than that. First off, you will have to contact your state’s education authority to find out what regulations and protocols you will have to follow and remember not all states have the same rules and protocols that others have in place.
First up, you will need to find out the “home education laws” in place for your particular State. Second up, you will need to check out “the private school’s law,” which has been placed within your area. Once fully briefed on these, you will then be required to fill out an affidavit cosigned by a lawyer or legal representative.
Authors note: Even though you have accomplished these first steps, you still may not be ready to start homeschooling. Some authorities also demand that the homeschooling teacher has a minimum educational qualification that can also differ from State to State.
Now that you have accomplished the above, you are now at last in a position to start buying the supplies you will need to start educating your children at home.
The road ahead will be both complicated and, in some cases, soul-destroying, so much so that you must regularly take time out from all your teaching commitments. It is also essential that all teaching should occur in the same room each day and that that room is kept separate from all other rooms within the house.
First up, you will need to set up a curriculum to aid in your teaching. Then you will need to gather all of your children’s textbooks along with their writing books and read through them, paying particular attention to any teacher comments you may find on the way. This will enable you to determine just what stage your child is at in his or her education. This is a must as it will give you a starting point on how you teach your child.
Over the past few years, teaching children at home has been made more accessible because of the internet. On the internet, there are thousands of programs that will help you teach your children at any one time. They are both exciting and highly educational, so use what the internet offers to your benefit. It will add more flavor to the way you teach your child.
Socializing: Many parents, when teaching their children, tend to forget the importance of socializing with others. Socializing is a learned art, and all children should have regular breaks so that they can link up with other children to get fresh air and make friends.
Criticism: Be ready to accept criticism from well-meaning friends or neighbors. Many will tell you that it is wrong to even think of homeschooling your children as you do not have the correct qualifications. Others will tell you that homeschooling will isolate your child from the world around them. They mean well, but it can be extremely frustrating and may even give you second thoughts of homeschooling your children to the point that you may feel yes. Maybe it is not a good thing to do.
Record keeping: You must keep clear and concise records about your child’s progress, as these are what your local education authority will want to see to grade your child correctly. It is also what they will use to determine if you are indeed teaching your child to a standard that will allow them to qualify for certificates and diplomas at the end of the year and when your child does get his diploma, give yourself a good pat on the back for a job very well done indeed.
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