Lifestyle Online Shopping

Lifestyle Online Shopping

Welcome once again to another short narrative commissioned by our hosts BargainBrute.Com, recently voted America’s top online retail outlet to shop online in 2020. Today we ask the simple question, “Has online shopping changed our lifestyle”?

Well, I can envision many of you saying what’s he talking about. Of course, “LifeStyle Online Shopping” has changed our lifestyles. However, even though you are correct, we have to dig a bit deeper and find out what has been the outcome of this online shopping trend. If we are honest, it was not with us just twenty-five years ago, so we have to ask another simple question.

Just why have we accepted this new lifestyle so fast? As we all know, we humans typically take years to change lifestyle habits ingrained into our genes over centuries ago is hard to understand.

Hopefully, this short narrative will help answer that. However, please remember this is my own personal opinion and no one else’s, including our hosts BargainBrute.Com, their families, all employees, or any affiliated companies or associates who may have any connection with them BargainBrute presently or in the past.

Not too long ago, “GFL'” one of the world’s largest market research companies based out of Germany, with offices scattered across the globe in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada, created a year-long research program which at the end confirmed what we all already knew; “We Humans Crave Convenience,” and “Convenience” spelled with a capital “C.”

Now, If they had just left it like that, if I were the person who requested this research paper to be drawn up, I would have asked for my money back. Of course, they did not and went on to say that people galloped towards this new kind of online lifestyle because they saved money, or to put it another way, products were a lot cheaper compared to the old traditional brick and mortar retail shopping outlets.

Furthermore, they had more good news for the online retail community. It would appear that online retail businesses had done the impossible. You had all managed, unlike your older cousins, to keep the cost down while still distributing better products and having a buyer’s love, plenty in stock.

Then, once again, if you thought they could not give the likes of the greats of online shopping “Amazon,” BargainBrute, Com, and “Etsy,” to name three, any more good news, they went on to say that online shopping, when compared to traditional retail shopping, shortened the time a shopper would have to take to complete their shopping, while at the same time always ensuring that they had plenty of products in stock all ready to be delivered directly to their customer’s homes.

Of course, this massive change in human lifestyles got another helping hand from another industry, and I have to say an industry that in the past tended to be looked upon as a bit of a bad big brother.

However, that being said, times change. Maybe because the big banks had seen the writing on the wall, but that little piece of plastic you now carry around in your wallet, backpack, or purse, the mighty “debit or credit card,” without which there would never have been any online shopping, so I guess we should bend our heads and offer thanks to “American Express,” Mastercard,” the good old “Visacard,” to name three.

Authors note A bit of trivia, did you know that by 2023, there will be more than 1.25 billion credit cards on the face of our planet. Now think, if each credit card were to measure three inches long, then that would be a distance of three billion seven hundred fifty million inches or fifteen billion yards, or to round it all up “8522.72727273 miles”. Do not ask me why I told you this, but you never know, you may be asked that question in a pub quiz a bit later in life, and you will be able to tell them that that guy who sometimes writes for BargainBrute told me.

Yep, maybe it has happened. The “Golden age” of online shopping has finally arrived. You can shop anywhere. You can shop in comfort, and you can even shop one cold and dank night while curled up in bed. Now that cannot be bad, can it not? To make matters even better, you no longer have to rely on the local shop. However, this does not mean you should not still help and support your local businesses, but now time and luxury are on your side. Yep, what good news, it really is the start of something new. The golden age is here.

Okay, folks, I am about to wind down this short narrative, and I hope you have enjoyed it. Even though I will admit that I have had a bit of fun writing it, mainly I could say because I had more time to write and research this narrative today as the time it took me to shop online today was over in a flash, giving me more time to do what I love, to be with my family and to write.

In the ending, who says an old analyst, journalist, or author cannot be taught new tricks. Of course, they can, and it is all because, yes, online shopping has definitely changed my lifestyle.

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